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Pacific Historic Parks Bookstore


Everyday Fashions of the Forties: As Pictured in Sears Catalogs

Few publications illustrate so comprehensively what American men, women and children wore in the 1940s than the Sears catalogs of those years, when the company's fashions typified the tastes of the American mainstream. This book is a compilation of 122 fully illustrated and captioned pages selected and reproduced from rare copies of Sears catalogs of the World War II era.

Over 120 large-format pages have been carefully reprinted on high-quality glossy stock. They reveal in sharp detail the broad range of clothing fashions available during a period when wartime gasoline rationing made mail-order shopping reach new heights of popularity.

Hundreds of accurately detailed drawings depict articles of clothing and personal accessories, including hats, overcoats and shoes, suits and dresses, sportswear, undergarments, corsetry, neckties, rainwear and more. Styles for children range from play clothes to "Sunday best." Men's clothing reflects the conservatism in male fashions during the period. Women's wear ranges from slacks, newly popular with women in the work force, to dresses with plenty of "Oomph"!

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